quinta-feira, 11 de julho de 2013

Pessoas que amamos

Pense em "doçura"... pensou em Bernar. 
Um chocolate para ela!

Obrigada amiga!

12 comentários:

  1. Wow, what a great idea. I really love it. Thank you so much for visiting me on my blog. I really appreciate your comments, they mean so much to me. And also I am so sorry that I do not leave any mark here on your blog. I'd like you to know that I really appreciate your words. THANK YOU. Greetings from Poland. Zuzia

  2. So incredibly beautiful. I like it. hugs bili

  3. E pensar em delicadeza... é esse cartão!
    Estampa linda e muito carinho.
    Um bejim!

  4. Nossa amiga, toda vez que passo mpor aqui fico boqueaberta viu, seus trabalhos são belissimos e sempre tudo de muito bom gosto,amodoro tudo,bjs

  5. Que carinho lindo!!! E muito delicado tbm!
    beijos carinhosos

  6. Lovely!
    Beautiful roses and a nice spellbinder.


  7. WOW what a lovely lovely fold and I am so touched by the sweet comment on my blog
    Dr Sonia

  8. So pretty! What a great gift idea. Love the lace edges and the fold.

  9. Amazing!! Looks so divine with the roses so in tune with the background colors and that edging looks so elegant. I love the way you make magic with the colors.


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Seja feliz!

Thank you for coming to my blog. I'll be happy if you leave a comment as a record of his coming. So I can pay him a visit.
Be happy!